Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pita Bread Pizza

            As of lately, I have been on a seriously healthy path. Choosing anything green over a mound of meat on my plate, I have been eating broccoli and string beans like they are never going to appear in my house ever again. On top of that, I have been trying to stay away from unhealthy foods, like my macaroni and cheese I blogged about a few weeks ago. With my new healthy take on food, I no longer enjoy the Friday night tradition of ordering greasy, expensive pizza from a local pizza place that has been a part of my life ever since I can remember.
Now, I understand that ordering a pizza from a pizza place is a quick and easy solution to dinner, it really isn’t worth it. To buy one pizza, it costs on average around 15 dollars, and that’s before toppings! On top of that, the pizzas are quickly made with little to no thought or effort, and are often made with artificial cheeses and other toppings. These pizzas are almost always topped with more than enough fake cheese, and covered in ridiculous amounts of grease. While the pizza may be warm and inviting when it is fresh out of the oven, having it delivered promises you a half an hour, or longer, wait, only for you to receive a pizza that is barely warm and dripping with grease. So, in the end, you pay the $15 for the pizza, and around $5 extra to get it delivered, just to receive a pizza that is barely appetizing, and not worth the money at all.
To satisfy my craving for pizza, I have discovered the pita pizza. Delicious, nutritious, and super easy to make, pita pizzas are a delectable alternative to the standard pizza. They are made with pita bread, real cheese, real sauce, and any other toppings that you could imagine, so they are healthier than a standard pizza, and they taste amazing! Best of all, they have little to no oil, so they are not nearly as greasy as a standard pizza is. One circle of pita bread makes a perfect dinner for one, but it is easy enough to make multiple pizzas to satisfy a group.

Pita Bread Pizza
Time: 10-15 minutes
Makes: 4-6 pita pizzas, depending on how many you decide to make

            4-6 pita rounds (white or whole wheat)
            1 cup pizza sauce
            2 cups mozzarella cheese
            Toppings of your choice (veggies, cooked meats, cheeses, etc)

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees
  2. Spoon pizza sauce over the pita rounds
  3. Top with mozzarella and any desired toppings
  4. Place on a baking sheet and cook for 7-10 minutes, or until the cheese has melted
  5. Serve immediately after cooking, enjoy!

Cream Cheese Frosting

I am, by no means, a cake decorator. Give me ingredients and a Kitchen Aid and I can make any amazing, moist, decadent cake that my heart desires, but when it comes time to frost it, I struggle immensely. Calling my mom, sister, or various friends for help, I am quick to sit back and watch how they do it, but that doesn’t make a difference, I still cannot frost the cake. My abilities to frost a cake are very limited to frosting the top and sides, slightly destroying the top layer of the two layer cake that is often made, and getting spots of frosting all over the plate the cake is sitting on, instead of the cake itself. On top of that, I am a master at the art of decorative sprinkles, creating a beautiful rainbow with the Easter sprinkles that are somehow always supplied in my house. Honestly, my cakes are hideous, yet delicious creations, and I fully understand that I should stay away from the frosting and focus more on the baking.
While my abilities to frost a cake are pretty much non-existent, I do have some skill when it comes to cupcakes. Being miniature in size, cupcakes pose less of a threat to me than a giant two layer cake, and the fact that you only have to frost the top of them, instead of the whole thing, makes the job a lot easier. Whenever I make cupcakes, I often find myself putting a dollop of cream cheese frosting on top of the cupcake instead of frosting them the traditional way, making sure the frosting covers the entire surface of the cupcake. To do this, I use a large plastic freezer bag, or sandwich bag, to make up for my lack of piping bags. I spoon the frosting into the baggy, making sure the frosting is concentrated to one corner, and then cut a small hole in the corner of the bag where the frosting is. On each cupcake, I put a dollop of frosting on and then usually top with some type of fruit or sprinkles.
When frosting cupcakes, and cakes, I always use homemade cream cheese frosting. While I understand how easy it is to buy a container of pre-made frosting at the store, I believe that if you are going to take the time to bake from scratch, you should take the time to make the frosting from scratch, also. Homemade cream cheese frosting is not hard to make by any means, and it tastes so much better than the processed, repulsive crap that comes in a container at the market.

Cream Cheese Frosting
Time: 5-10 minutes
Makes: Enough for 24 cupcakes or one cake

            1 package (8 oz) cream cheese (I prefer Philadelphia Cream Cheese)
¼ cup butter or margarine, softened
1 tsp. vanilla
1 package (16 oz) powdered sugar (about 4 cups), sifted

  1. Beat cream cheese, butter, and vanilla in large bowl with a mixer until it is well blended
  2. Gradually add sifted sugar, beating after each addition until well blended

Friday, March 11, 2011

Decadent Chocolate Cupcakes

When I think of hanging out with friends on a Friday afternoon, my mind automatically drifts towards delicious baked goods. After living through a long week at school and work filled with a complete lack of sleep, tons of work, and lengthy homework, my friends and I are ready to settle down and make ourselves, and our stomachs, delicious treats that could turn any frown upside down. These treats: cupcakes.
Cupcakes are my favorite dessert in the world. Small, decadent, and sweet, these treats deliver a variety of flavors in a little package, and never cease to put a smile on my face. Ever since I was a child, I have been baking cupcakes, mostly with my mom, for various birthday celebrations, parties, etc. While these cupcakes were usually made with the aid of a Betty Crocker chocolate cake mix, I always found them to be delicious any ways. These boxes of cake mix honestly produce really delicious cakes or cupcakes, and I have no complaints towards them. The directions on these boxes are very simple, and they require fewer ingredients, which are most likely stocked in your house—eggs, vegetable oil, and water. When making cupcakes to feed millions, it always helps to have a few boxes of cake mix to aid you, and they cut your prep time by a large amount. While I loved making cupcakes with the aid of a box when I would bake with my mom, I have developed a habit of baking cupcakes as a good pastime, which ended the reign of box cupcakes in my house, and began my new obsession: baking cupcakes from scratch.
Now, I understand that the idea of making cupcakes from scratch may seem like a burden, but honestly it is fun, relaxing, and really simple. I personally always find recipes online, mostly from other blogs or cooking websites that have good reviews promising excellent recipes, and I generally go for recipes that have simple directions, making them easy to follow, and won’t take up numerous hours of my life. There is one specific recipe I found a few months ago amongst the millions of recipes online, and I must say it is the most delicious chocolate cupcake recipe I have ever made. I know that you may be thinking that all chocolate cupcakes taste the same, but these take the standard and simple chocolate cupcakes to another level. Sweet, decadent, mouthwatering, and moist, these chocolate cupcakes are a favorite amongst everyone who try them. Because these cupcakes are so rich and chocolaty, I tend to frost them with standard homemade cream cheese frosting, never chocolate frosting, and add a raspberry on top, but the frosting can be substituted with cool whip, or even homemade whipped cream, and that tastes amazing as well. Trust me, they are worth it!

In this picture, the cupcakes are frosted with dyed cream cheese frosting and topped with m&ms, caramel corn, and pretzels!

Devil’s Food Cupcakes
Time: Approximately 20-25 minutes
Makes: 24 cupcakes

2 cups flour
            2 cups sugar
            ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
            1 ½ teaspoons baking soda
            1 ½ cups milk
            ½ cup butter
            2 teaspoons vanilla
            2 eggs

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F
  2. Measure out everything but the eggs directly into your mixer bowl (For a mixing bowl, I like to use a Kitchen Aid, but a standard mixing bowl and hand held beater will work just as well)
  3. Mix on low speed just until incorporated
  4. Beat on high speed for 2 minutes
  5. Add eggs, then beat on high speed for 2 minutes

When the cupcake batter is completely made, measure out the batter into cupcake pans that are lined with cupcake papers. To do this, I generally use a large spoon or small ladle, but a small ice cream scoop will work just as well. I suggest that you fill the cups halfway, as I had had some trouble with the cupcake tops not rising very well, and sticking to the pan if the cups are too full. When all of the batter is poured, bake for about 15-20 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean. Let them cool for a few minutes in the pan, then transfer to a rack to cool completely before frosting.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

An Alternative to Kraft

            Let’s take a moment to ponder one of life’s best foods: macaroni and cheese. Originally, macaroni and cheese was a delectable meal made from thick, creamy, cheesy white sauce combined with freshly made pasta boiled to perfection. To make it, you would have to dedicate some time, for it is not quick and easy. To begin, you would melt a generous amount of butter in a large saucepan and then stir in flour, making a loose paste. After it is completely cooked together, you whisk hot milk into the paste which creates a thick and creamy sauce. When you add the white cheddar cheese in, you get a sauce that has the power to turn everyone’s frowns upside down. While the sauce is being made, the pasta is added to a pan of boiling water. This water is bubbling uncontrollably, even spilling over the top of the pan into the blue flame that lies underneath, creating a tssss. When the pasta is added, the bubbling subsides which is an expected side effect of mixing anything cold with something warm. Upon the completion of the cheese sauce and the pasta, the two are added together and baked. The result is a thick, creamy, sticky, springy, mouth watering, delectable meal that warms the heart and the stomach.
            Compare this to a box of Kraft macaroni and cheese. Included in a rectangular box are all of the major ingredients you need to make this meal: elbow macaroni and powdered cheese. With this macaroni and cheese, there is nothing to make and prepare before hand. You simply boil the macaroni until it is cooked the way you like, and add the ingredients into the same pot. The cheese sauce is created from a small amount of butter, milk, and the packet of powdered cheese. The powdered cheese is a hideous orange, and smells very processed. The second you open the packet, powder flies up into your face, and for me, makes me sneeze. Without the butter and milk, it clings to the sticky macaroni creating orange, chunky macaroni. Upon adding in the milk and butter, you either have a clumpy outcome that is not smooth or creamy, or macaroni and cheese that is basically cheese soup with some macaroni added in. Unlike the real macaroni and cheese, the outcome is not thick, creamy and delectable. Rather, it is thin, soupy, and nothing special. When you take a forkful of this macaroni and cheese, it does not hold its shape. All of the cheese slides right off of the pasta back into the bowl. Honestly, it is easier using a spoon so you can capture a pool of cheese soup with every bite. This is nothing like eating homemade macaroni and cheese, and makes me wonder why bother shortcutting when the real thing is much better. Sometimes quick and easy is quick and easy, but is it really worth it in the end?

Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Time: Approximately 35 minutes
Makes: Enough for a family of 4, with leftovers!

            1 LB box of your favorite small pasta
            4 tablespoons butter, plus
            4 tablespoons flour
            2 cups milk
            1 1/2 – 2 cups of cheese
            1 ½ cups bread crumbs

1.      Preheat Oven to 400°F
2.      Make Cheesy Cream Sauce

Cheesy Cream Sauce- 10 Minutes
  • Melt 4 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan
  • After butter is fully melted, stir in 4 tablespoons of flour with a metal whisk, and blend well over low heat
  • Stir in 2 cups of cold milk
  • Once cream sauce is mixed together, 1 1/2 – 2 cups of your favorite shredded cheeses to the mixture, and stir in on low heat until all of the clumps are gone, and all that is left is a smooth, thick cheese sauce. (My favorite cheeses to use in this sauce are Cheddar and American.)
  • Once the sauce is completed, put on cool burner until pasta is fully cooked

3.      When sauce is completed, boil a pot of water for a 1 LB box of pasta and add the pasta in when water is at a full boil
        cook for the time allotted on the box
4.      While the pasta is cooking, melt butter in a small pan, small frying pan is easiest, and then add 1 ½ cups bread crumbs into the pan to brown them
5.      When all of the ingredients are completed, mix cheesy cream sauce and pasta in a baking pan, then top with browned bread crumbs
6.      Bake the Macaroni and Cheese for approximately 10 minutes, or until it is browned and bubbling slightly.
7.      Let sit for several minutes. Enjoy!