Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Field Trip to Market Basket

Yesterday, my writing class took a field trip to the local Market Basket, which is conveniently located a little over a mile away from my high school. Throughout my high school career, I think I have been on one or two field trips, so when the news of this field trip was announced, I was stoked. The trip was planned for our long block, which is an 80 minute block, plus a half hour for lunch, place smack-dab in the middle of the school day, leaving us plenty of time to walk to Market Basket and back without missing any of our other classes.
While it was not a very nice day out, it was sprinkling slightly and clouds were completely covering the sky, the walk to and from the store was refreshing. It was not cold out by any means, very comfortable actually, and I always love the chance to get out during school. While the weather was decent enough to take a walk, it was a long walk, especially for someone who is slightly sick and beyond exhausted from the lack of sleep that occurs over a vacation.
            The point of this field trip was to look at products and see how they are marketed. We were to look around the store and view the writing on products, and study how they capture the attention of the buyer, and persuade them to purchase that product. While doing so, we were also to look around for any spelling and/or grammatical mistakes. After this experience, I realized how well done the marketing is for food, since I found not a single mistake (that could also be because I wasn’t looking too hard, oops). However, a few mistakes were found. One of them surprised me, it was on a bag of chips from a pretty decent company; the other mistake was found on a sign printed by Market Basket.

            After we left Market Basket, we walked to a chain restaurant called D’Angelo’s to get some lunch. There, I got a bland turkey sub with lettuce, tomato, onion, and mayonnaise. The turkey had pretty much no flavor at all, and all I could taste was over-bearing amounts of mayonnaise. I only ate half of the small sub I paid a little less than $6 for, so I was still a little hungry after. I didn’t pack a full lunch for that day since I knew that I would not be eating at school, and I was really hoping to stop at Panera for a nice, healthy, delicious sandwich, but that didn’t happen. Needless to say, I was delighted when I returned to school and found out that my mom had slipped cut up oranges and crackers in my bag, just in case.

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