Friday, April 1, 2011

Chicken Caesar Salad on Pesto Pizza

            I have discovered one of the most delicious pizzas in the entire universe; so delicious, in fact, I thought it would be worth going off topic for. This pizza: chicken caesar salad on top of pesto pizza. Now, I fully understand that a salad on top of a pizza sounds quite unappetizing, and downright revolting, and you are probably picturing warm, cooked, wilted, greasy lettuce atop of a green pizza, but it is nothing like that. No, this pizza is a true masterpiece, and if you have never experienced one before, you are in for a surprise.
While this pizza is a new discovery for me, it is actually slightly popular meal, and often appears on the specials menu at David's Tavern, a restaurant I have worked at for a few years now. Pesto pizza is one of David’s Tavern’s specialty pizzas on the menu, and it is absolutely delicious. There is a perfect blend of fresh pesto sauce and cheese, all on top of delectable homemade pizza crust that is freshly made by the wonderful, talented kitchen staff. To make the pizza with chicken caesar salad on top, the pesto pizza is first cooked alone in the oven, like any pizza would be. Then once the pizza finishes cooking and is taken out of the oven, it is topped with lettuce dressed David’s Tavern’s homemade caesar dressing and strips of grilled chicken breasts.
To say the least, this pizza is absolutely delicious, and obviously messy. To eat it, it requires much more effort than it takes to eat any normal pizza, but I think it is completely worth it. So what if you have to use a fork and your hands simultaneously to pick up a slice of salad covered pizza? I mean, once you get the pizza slice up and off the plate, it is not that hard to scoop some salad onto the pizza, or even right into your mouth. There is really no wrong way to eat this delectable duo, and trust me all of the work it takes to simply take a bite is well worth it in the end. This pizza is extravagant.

1 comment:

  1. this is one of my favorite pizzas. There is a restaurant in my area that sells it. Called the Pizzalad. its AMAZING!!!
